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Cooper and Jordan Church of England Voluntary Aided Endowed School


Lead - Mrs P Needle

At Cooper and Jordan we have developed a broad and balanced curriculum which aims to be inspiring and relevant to our pupils as well as directing them to future study. Our vibrant and rich curriculum is designed so that the subject specific skills are scaffolded and where possible conducted within a cross-curricular theme or context each half term. 

We endeavour to make the curriculum as exciting as possible for our children to learn from and we invest time into carefully choosing and investing in schemes of work that compliment our school ethos whilst keeping consistency within the subjects where we can. 

Cooper and Jordan is a shining light in our community. We are an inclusive school and we believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them. We aim to see all of our pupils fully included in all aspects of school life. We strive to maintain a loving and caring school community where everyone feels welcome, secure and valued.

Please visit the Subjects page or click here to find out more about our subject leaders and their subjects!



The school assessment systems within curriculum subjects are closely monitored to ensure that assessment is purposeful, meaningful and helps us identify children’s progress towards nationally agreed Age Related
Expectations (ARE) at the end of each key stage.
To ensure that assessment for and of learning is embedded into our curriculum subjects, staff should consider the following aspects when planning a lesson or sequence of lessons:

Knowledge and Skill Driven

Cross curricular

Creative Teaching and Learning

Feedback Opportunities

Meaningful Marking

Peer & Self-Assessment

Celebrating Successes

Learning Evaluation

It is important to us that the impact of the curriculum matches the intent. In addition to the assessment
and tracking of pupils’ knowledge in the core areas of learning, the quality of their learning in other
subjects is monitored in a range of ways including book trawls, pupil conversations and lesson
observations. These activities are designed to check children’s skill and knowledge progression
across all aspects of the curriculum


Our School Values

We encourage planning to be taught through discussions on Spirituality and British Values as well as being guided by our own school values which are:








British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:


rule of law

individual liberty

mutual respect

tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs