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Cooper and Jordan Church of England Voluntary Aided Endowed School


Subject lead: Mrs Thacker

Fun facts about me:

  • I am the art subject lead at Cooper and Jordan School
  • I love going on adventures with my friends and family. I particularly enjoy immersing myself in different cultures and trying out exciting new activities and foods
  • I have flown a plane before but they haven’t invited me back to try it again!


Subject vision: (The 'intent')

Over their school life, we aim for our pupils to appreciate great art and great artists, designers, craftspeople both past and present from a variety of cultures.  At Cooper and Jordan School, we would like our pupils to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. They have the opportunity to do this through completing the different Kapow units where they are also encouraged to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.  

We believe that pupils should have opportunities to capture their ideas in sketchbooks and produce art that is open and expressive but also be taught specific skills to develop in drawing, painting, sculpture and in other areas of art. Pupils should develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and are able to choose and apply these in relevant situations. Our vision is for our pupils to develop their talents and have the opportunity to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.


Curriculum (Implementation): 

Art and Design is taught both discretely and through cross-curricular lessons in other subjects such as RE, History, Design and Technology. Cooper and Jordan School use Kapow’s progression map which sets out the knowledge, skills, understanding, vocabulary and cultural capital opportunities for each year group. The Progression Map shows a coherent progression in expectations, all meeting the national curriculum programme of study for Art and Design. A Curriculum Overview for Art and Design sets out how the curriculum will be met throughout the school. This shows a cohesive and bespoke interpretation of the curriculum. Sculpture, Painting, Crafting and Drawing are taught through a range of great artists and artwork, creating a familiar and progressively more challenging curriculum each year. Before teaching each unit, teachers will adapt planning to meeting the needs of the pupils in their class, and use adaptive teaching to ensure all pupils are challenged to meet or exceed age related expectations.

The areas of study are set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and National Curriculum 2014.



In the Early Years, we teach art through the Expressive Arts strand of the Early Years Framework.

Ongoing experiences and opportunities linking to children’s developing understanding of the world are planned from the objectives set out in the Early Years Framework. These underpin the curriculum planning for children aged 3-5 at Cooper and Jordan School.

The experiences that we provide ensure that children develop a secure understanding of how to express themselves through the mediums of art. By the end of the Reception year, they will be able to:

  • Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function;
  • Share their creations, explaining the process they have used; 

KS1 and KS2:

The Primary National Curriculum for Art aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and
    cultural development of their art forms.

With this in mind, our programme of study for art clearly sets out what will be taught and learnt at each point in the year for all year groups, including a range of famous artists.


Special Educational Needs

Through the SEND and Inclusion policy, teachers will plan to ensure all pupils, including those with special educational needs, can access the ambitious art curriculum. This will ensure that all children access the same art curriculum.


Adaptive Teaching

Kapow provides differentiated lessons/resources which teachers can use to adapt their teaching to suit children of all abilities. This includes challenges for children working at greater depth. We give children of all abilities the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding as they move through the school and the pupil progression document from Kapow outlines this progression of skills.


Assessment (The ‘Impact’): 

This section outlines the assessment methods and practices that we use to monitor pupil progress and attainment in art at Cooper and Jordan School, and also ensure that the activities that we plan for our children are suitably matched to their ability and level of development.

Formative assessment (AfL): Formative assessment in art occurs throughout the learning process, through dialogue and conversation. The Kapow Art and design scheme of work is built around the following areas of assessment:

  • Generating ideas
  • Using Sketchbooks
  • Making skills (including Formal Elements)
  • Knowledge of artists
  • Evaluating and Analysing

Progress is demonstrated through the use of sketchbooks which are used to record ideas, reflections and critical analysis of artists and development of technical skills. Each sketchbook should be unique and the children are encouraged to develop their independence and creativity when recording and evaluating their work. Every learning objective each lesson will link to a specific skill outlined in Kapow’s Progression of Skills document and the children will be provided with the time to self-assess their own work against each skill. Where possible, children will receive verbal feedback during the lesson based on the knowledge they are learning and developing. Teachers will consider the art objectives covered each lesson and the end-goal that is to be achieved which will help them make judgements used to inform future teaching.


Trips and enrichment: 

We understand how important it is to offer the children art visits and/or visitors as this provides them with valuable learning opportunities and allow the children to make important connections between what they have learned in class and their first-hand experiences of the world. Therefore, we have invited a teacher from a local Secondary School to visit to create outdoor sculptures with Y4 and Y5 as well as create butterflies and caterpillars with wire and different materials. As well as this, we have invited a local artist to come in and work with the whole school on the National Gallery’s ‘Take One Picture’ task.


Pupil Voice: 

Pupils at the school are enjoying the recently implemented Kapow scheme and have given us the following responses to their learning in art:


Florence said "I really like when we do both colouring and painting because it is so much fun!"


Ethan said "I enjoy Art because I like using new materials I didn’t know about and finding out about how to use them."


Cesca said "I like that we draw and paint using different styles and that one piece of work looks different to the next."


Lewis said "I love that we have the freedom to design whatever comes into our mind and then we can draw it."


Grayson said "It is really interesting that we get to see different artists and I enjoy drawing in their styles."


Betty said "I can express myself in lots of ways because that is what we are allowed to in every lesson."